After I spend most of my life in the lovely region of “Schwaben” in the southwest of Germany, it is time to explore the world. While I have been exploring the world a lot (as in my Visa application they asked me for the amount of countries I visited in the last 5 years – I counted 30 countries), this time I want to not only be a tourist but also experiencing the life from a residence perspective.
I will join the Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US for a postdoctoral research position. I will work in the Future Interfaces Group (FigLab) which is lead by Chris Harrison as part of the Human-Computer Interaction Institute (HCII) at CMU. The Figlab as the name suggests is mainly research in new possibilities to interact with computing devices. For that, they often use repossessing existing sensing techniques allowing for a wider range of interaction.
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